

Bloomed is Dominic Harris's study of plants, with which onlookers may subtly interact. Playing on the nature of classical still life, small movements enliven the flowers, causing them to flourish as observers pass by. Meticulously recreated through computer animations, each flower encapsulates the romanticised surrealness synonymous with Harris's works.

 Commonly known as the "buttercup", the ranunculus is a large genus of flower that contains over 600 varieties. The most common species, the Persian ranunculus, features layers of paper-thin petals varying in colour from soft pinks, whites and yellows, to fiery oranges and deep reds. The name ranunculus is the product of two Latin words, rana meaning "frog" and unculus meaning "little". It was assumed this name was fitting as the flowers grew along riverbeds and were as prevalent as frogs in the spring time. When left to its own devices, the ranunculus becomes a butterfly magnet. Appearing as a closed up bud, it performs an hypnotic dance to draw the viewer's attention. When satisfied with interaction, the flower opens and closes its petals in a joyous flutter.

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